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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Thank Mr. Roy Clark

So... Roy Clark passed.....   shame... .here are two short vids

One of the very first things that made me think I WANT TO PLAY GUITAR is seeing Roy Clark on the johnny Carson show... he played a cool song.. then when he sat with Johnny he said that right when the curtain was opening, a string n his guitar broke and he had to transpose the song.....  I didn't know what that meant exactly but decided right then that I would find out... so I did... Here is the song he played..

  and this video I like because it shows several different sides.... guitar, violin, comedy....   check out the acoustic guitar bit at the end.... his right hand is sooooo fast.... him and Pete Townsend... great fast right hands.... ok me too....  fast right hand when I was on a date in high school....